Saturday, July 29, 2006

Litigation and Vaastu


Litigations occur if corner of one building is opposite to gate.

Litigations occur for North west plot.

Litigations occur for South and west Nairu spear.

Litigations occur if skull is present within plot.

Litigations occur if Sun triangle higher than moon triangle

Litigations occur for Southeast expansion of plot towards either side.

Litigations occur for Northwest expansion towards north.

Litigations occur for Southwest angular retraction towards south.

Litigations occur for excess space in south east towards south plus well.

Litigations occur for excess space in southwest.

Excess space in south west plus well causes litigation and auction for the building.

Litigations occur for well in west of northwest.

Litigations occur for septic tank in northwest.

Litigations occur for southeast or northwest closure

. Litigations occur for Northwest sewage exit.

Litigations occur for Southeast acquisition of additional land.

Litigations occur for constructions on east or north compound wall